Monday, August 19, 2019


I am a Yogini, a female master practitioner of yoga, it is formal term to respect female Hindu or Buddhist spiritual teachers in the Indian subcontinent.

In a place that lacked credibility, I began my journey and working life at age 16, in professional dance. And I had begun practicing since I was 6, I practiced long hours and was training in classical dance. I had my first fallout when I was 14, due to Peer Pressure. I experienced dejection,
 depression, fallout and enmity at a very young age. I began working at 16, worked long hours, all day and sometimes all night and turned Professional. Having another fallout soon after turning 18, I quit the dance troupe I was working with & did not cut it, I did not go on the become the Choreographer I had worked so hard to become, I walked out on the boss I had worked so hard to impress, although effortlessly. Quitting the number one dance troupe in the country that would have made me millions, famous and have made me into a professional dance choreographer made me ill and uneasy. At 19 I went Solo – free-lancing, and I was young and gullible and was abducted and given some a drug of some sort and came out of it unconscious, hospitalized and unable to perform again as the dose administered was so high. I had lost my ability to work in the field of performing arts.Now is was prescription medicine and the fact that I could not dance anymore, the event left me in a depression, that lasted 6 years. I began counting the years that it lasted, until every ounce off depression left me, it makes me smile now, thinking about it. What made it go away was actually something astounding, something quite profound. Around the time of the abduction, I received a call, a call that left me speechless, happy, surprised and astounded. To conquer a reality of pain, minute by minute, to conquer the fear, sadness, the failure, the torture of knowing you are a victim of someone’s hatred.
To look at it closely, the hatred, all off a sudden gave me the utmost pleasure. I will tell you why and show you a way, the moment you reach the nirvana, Yoga is talking about and reaching a painless State as described in Classical yoga there is no mismatch, between what happened and the Self master that begins to happen. And it is not the pain that is not there, but the total absence of it. Transcending the pain of my youth is the way I went, the only Way. I have looked at transcending pain for 16 years now, studying it.  And the tools were given to me, so I gave it a new meaning. Pain, all of a sudden became the impetus for total mastery, over the self, the body, the mind, emotions and finally the spirit. You want to give up, but you cannot. It is not a question, the search for truth became insatiable, hunger and thirst did not deter me. What was I looking for? I was looking for a transcendence of pain, mastering the pain. Then you can become a master of bliss, love, entasy & with total equilibrium. The search for truth is never ending, but how, where, when, why?
When and where will I find myself again and in what? Before I even asked these questions, yoga happened to me, but not the asana, not the pranayama, something else in yoga and that is what I want to teach you to master.

Its serious talk, the elucidation of the classical yoga path or doctrine. I just love it, what I do now. You follow your passion and then you follow your passion. And I have followed mine right to You.
So, the call to practice is a very delicate transition and then the profound doctrine, the formula of which came to me, via a system of knowledge from ancient India. I began to move into what is called as nirvana, easily and whenever I wanted. This Entasy that I entered into on a daily basis, was profoundly uplifting & the revelations awe- inspiring. It’s source I found out while completing a patent that had been given to me in Yoga. It took e decade to complete the whole formula about Self mastery, but I did, in spite of intense persecution. The body-mind had transcended the pain of the hate crimes that had been practiced against me. The only pure source of love and inspiration for me, was mastery over the Breath and thus the mind. The mind became devoted my to a doctrine of truth and higher consciousness that is shrouded in secrecy. Laya yoga began to happen daily, or the absorption's of concentrations, meditations and nirodham. 
At large and at a much denser level, the foundation of this study is to be found in the classical Yoga of ancient India, and that not much had been known about it anywhere, let alone in India. So my soul urged me to then complete it as a patent successfully in 2012. I integrated and studied the layas of yoga and had dedicated my whole life to it’s practice and to train students and practitioners of Yoga in the final stages or the Internal Yoga, the antaranga Yoga of the Classical middle path of Yoga. I knew this from my practice and insight that I had been practicing a hidden and esoteric system of knowledge and techniques that led one to total Self Mastery, total Control, complete Knowledge of oneself and a feeling of sheer happiness and bliss in ones own knowing of ones life, ones purpose, ones passions, goals and defining all of it. Clearly, you were on your way to refining your whole body of knowledge. Untouchable, unstoppable, that what I became. That’s what you learn, how to do it, how to be it. Classical Yoga doctrine actually does teach you that, not by only practicing postures or asana, but by total dedication to the higher yoga that no one really talks about, the concentration techniques, contemplation and self mastery stage. Then this about the guru taking samadhi, it’s a way to respect your Guru in the afterlife. But the actual samadhi is the highest State in meditation or contemplative practice.  Yoga & the final 3 stages of the eightfold path of Classical Ashtanga as the laya’s or full absorption & ones engrossment with them self, their life, their purpose, their successes, their professions. 
And I became the Yogini. It teaches you to master your protégé, without question, without a doubt, in your practice, but at all the levels of your life. Even 20 minutes practicing the internal Yoga, leaves you with a certain emotion.
The emotion becomes the raptness, the raptures, the  involvement – with your occupation. The preoccupation is with the fascination of entering into nirvana, during your practice and that feeling stays with you through out the day. You become enthralled by life itself, nothing is more interesting then what comes after antaranga yoga.
A total contrast to discovering that; all the while I had been a teenager I was a victim of hate crimes that left me unable to do my work primarily, that had wrecked my career, that my hard work in those early years was not entirely wasted, I was able to merge my mastery of dance with the dictates of Yoga, and primarily, began to train my mind, through practice in the Internal Yoga stage, that I adopted it’s philosophy, topped my class at graduation, someone who had been an average student, was now top of her class, with a distinction in subjects like logic of Aristotle. What blew my mind that the practice of the layas of Yoga, had fine tuned my mind to such a high degree, to concentrate in a way, to focus in a way that beat anything normal. That pure genius happened to me, and I want to share it. I then completed the patent in that helped me help people get to the next level in yoga. To move beyond asana and pranayama, posture and breathing to mastering their Minds and achieving total self-transformation. Someone once told me a master of his breath is a master of his mind. That the highest, the highest in life is achieved through meditation only. The inner breakthrough being transcending the pain in totality. To objectify the body. But to objectify the mind is beyond anything in the realm of physicality. In the world I can see and touch, but in my mind, I can be anything, anyone and yoga helps you to achieve that, believe it or not. That I can be body perfect, but it was meditation that gave me this power. Nothing seems impossible anymore, business-wise, like-wise there is nothing I cannot do. No goal in my life that I cannot attain. Everything becomes real, realizable in the now moment. And I want to teach you how. People come to me and say it’s changed their life and my whole life has changed. I want to take you to the depths of transformation, this action in yoga becomes a reality, the total dynamic of 'You' becomes available.
I will teach you in the GO YOGA PRO TRAINING of 200, 300 and 500 Hours, all techniques to attaining self mastery, and to sculpt your body, giving your body tonicity and strength. Training you in the internal yoga stage, mind training & perfecting of mind. All followers of yoga should know this.
And with all finality anyone who wants to discover health of body, mind and spirit, and discover themselves, their purpose, their identity in the world and to drive their passions for a peaceful and more beautiful life & planet. Yoga is the way to achieving a perfect body, a healthy mind, a balanced attitude and a sound working mechanism throughout your life.
Enroll at my course Now, & Book your training seminar and workshop Now at

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Namaste and Regards,
Yogini Chloe Dodd