Sunday, September 8, 2019

At GoYogaPro500 we are going to create a new you, a better you, a you with better ideas, ideas that
you can incorporate clearly into the world of form and  the idea that can manifest quicker than you can say, 'Ashtanga yoga' All the 8 facets not just the physical exercises and the breath control, but the classical concentration practices, the meditative philosophies and the mind training on self mastery, i.e; Dhayna and Samadhi.
Yoga and Samkhya  philosophy, two orthodox school of  Indian philosophy, are required to understand this mastery over self. The Mind is the one that gathers and we don’t want to live of this charity & it is continuously collecting. You have the sensations of the thoughts; if we remove sensations and thoughts and objects; there is nothing, No-mind. Gathering external objects you want to keep them, retain them, hoarding, recreating new ideas, external sensations-memories; then new ideas arise; the cycle continues. This is cyclic existence, you want to break out of the negative debilitating cycles. The mind is the sum total of your personality. It consists of the Sense body, the mind, subtle energy, ego sense and all are 17 components. Then the philosophy describes what are the vrittis-the fluctuations of mind. They are right knowledge, wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep & memory. We continually engage in all this, all of the 5 vrittis/fluctuations of mind, that yoga describes have to be controlled, then only can we realize/achieve the objective of Yoga. Nirodha is the stoppage of the mind chattering & where there is no unnecessary thinking. Point one, you want to impact your mind with classical yoga in a way, that it has not been enacted upon right now. Just as we have this show that the mind keep putting up, we are going to have this non stop interaction with the objective of Yoga. And you are going to be entertained by it, this facet of yoga. It is the internal Yoga stage of the eight-fold path of Yoga. You are probably thinking, what in the world could this possibly be about? You know about the external Yoga asana, physical postures- you know how to do a back bending pose, a front bending pose. You can do a bellows breath- a bhastrika pranayama. yYou can focus on the tip of your nose, you can extend your arms out to the right and the left. And then you are wondering what is the yogi or yogini really talking about. Sometimes you feel like you want to know all the ashta angas or eight parts of yoga. Then why all this propaganda about classical yoga? It is so easy to achieve. You can get into a yoga class, sit in sukhasana- cross legged, do your surya namskara/ sun salutation, tone and flex your body- this is what the mind is after; and it is necessary. Every stage of yoga is necessary and compulsory. But sometimes the imposing view is that of the external stage of Yoga -the baharanga, the Asana, the physical exercise, the breath- modifying the body. But, Yoga is much more than just an externalization of techniques. What about the mind? What about the mastery of your trade, your work. What is it really? Who is it?  -that is really practicing that particular pose, that breathing technique. You want to know; -is he a lawyer, a doctor, a yogi, you want to enjoy this game of life entirely. In yoga  you want to find out how it works, why it works, the whole mechanism of yoga, to know it fully. Your life, you will realize when you look at your life- your mind creates hell for you. Yoga is assaying, Why not get over this difficulty entirely? -once and for all. What is terrible- what is repulsive to us; we want to find out why the pain. Yoga is saying look at Ashtanga/Hatha in its entire sense, in a wholesome way -look at all the eight limbs of yoga in its  entirety, in a wholesome way. Look at the Eigth-fold path fully, properly, not just the external yoga of asana, the pranayama, of perfecting the body or healing a disease. But by studying Yoga philosophy and the concentrating the mind. Although you want to master this external yoga, the first 5 stages - the restraints, the observances, the asanas, the pranayamas, the pratyaharas or sense control. You have to master the Internal yoga as well, the dharana, the dhyana and the samadhi stages or self mastery.  One day, you decide you are tired of the pain -of non achievement, and you realize you are becoming more disenchanted with the material state of things -and the you are caught between two worlds. You are disenchanted with reality and yet to have to participate with it, in totality with the outside world. It is at this moment in yoga we want to to understand that there is an internal stage of yoga that is not asana/posture etc. And it and its practice is the very measure of your existence. That there is a purer sort of existence that is to be derived from practicing the internal yoga. Give into the yoga, the practice of it, of the eight fold path. Surrender in totality to this study -its practice, the techniques, the philosophy of yoga, the meditation, the concentrating. We in yoga want you to surrender to this study and be friends with it. Culture it, the yogi/yogini living inside of you & the self master living inside you. I would like to have your attention here, that you want to have the external form, the beautiful body- the glow, and you want to manage your physicality with utmost care, but the only way to do that is by looking at your mind in antaranga or internal Yoga practice. And when you realize the mind, your Mind while practicing the internal stages of yoga called the Samyama; you realize there is no need for a guide but, it is important to listen to the yoga doctrine and to philosophize, to study the  ancient texts, to achieve a state of existence which is higher. Through the Samyama of eight fold path of yoga, you begin to understand your Mind fully, & you begin to supersede even yourself in mastery over self. Yoga is the expression of a golden existence, not just in outer form or name, but with the contention that all your thoughts, everything you have and own are just different aspects of you expressing yourself. In the antaranga yoga, you learn to establish yourself in a higher, better way of living. There is just no place for complacency, that if you stop your practice, nothing is achieved. Samadhi is the final stage of the classical eight-fold path of yoga. Samyama translates into self mastery; that no matter what walk of life you come from, you become totally concentrated on realizing yourself entirely. Never let anything come in the way of expressing yourself in this life, in this age & at this time. You create a life, a mind and a state to express yourself.

In theory, your job -what you do, practicing antaranga or internal yoga helps you to define this. The
application of the Hatha of the eight-fold path are of prime importance. The absolute expression of yourself lays therein. Until the self is realized, get involved with your yoga practice -with your life in this way- of cultivating your consciousness. Stop being upset, you have to be the audience watching yourself performing in this life, you are the observer & you are the witness. Once you attain this stage in yoga -attaining this samyama -the self mastery, doing practice of this kind, total absorption of yourself  with your practice. Practice, Practice, Practice - Sadhana... you begin to enjoy the drama of being you. This can only happen when all interfering systems stop, you -up until your final breath must continue the yoga- the union of body, mind & soul. Namaste.

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